No, you were wrong, professor.
And asking someone to verify the credentials they have claimed is not an 'ad hominem attack'.
Not even close.
You're wrong Kav.
In a field you purport to specialize in.
About a basic scientific fact that even freshman biology students know.
But you won't learn.
You repeatedly mocked my correction of you with your
"stop trying to educate a biologist on biology FFS...I'm done arguing with a non biologist about biology" chest-thumping. Yes, that's an insult to dismiss someone who's correcting you in that way.
You called me a "non biologist" - and I corrected you about that. I didn't ask you where you went to school or demand that you prove you're a biologist. I simply stated I was also a biologist.
Now you continue to mock and distract and attack.
You further claimed
"In human females meiosis is complete while in the womb." That is also wrong - it completes upon fertilization and is location-independent. Fertilization completes oocyte meiosis and typically after ovulation as it enters the fallopian tube, or only later in the distal fallopian tube or in the uterus itself (though that's not optimal for implantation timing).
You got so many basic biology facts wrong, yet you continue to demand personal information about me that is not relevant to those facts.
And again, when you claimed to be a biologist, I did not demand to know where you got your degree. It's not relevant to the biological facts that you got wrong.