I was a 2000AD kid, then Sin City, I like Johnen Vasquez in particular Jonny the Homicidal Maniac ...
Something I'm looking for is Legion books to start on... I got hooked on the FX show I adore it well & truly
So I'm looking for pointers on Legion books for a beginner - I'm not expecting a comparison to the story in the show, more to expand on it.
To help a bit, my favourite episodes are when Sidney gets to relive her life with Oliver and Melanie, the very first one (otherwise I would never have gotten into it what a way to start what turns out to be a beautiful story of love and redemption!) And when you see David living all of his lives at once; as an old billionaire, as a homeless bum, a junkie, and a depressed shift worker ... When he basically creates his Legion in the first place.
I'm a nerd for stories, of any kind, but I want to get into the original art and stories - I don't want to spoil it by getting the wrong thing and getting put off, but I can't buy everything either just to find what I like the most though I wish I could!
Hope that's maybe interesting or someone can help me out I've done a bit of research found articles like the "best 8 Legion books" or some other list - and they pretty much all differ so it's pretty much all over the place.
The more I can find out the better, the more I can correlate the better ... Collections would help but which one? I'm in Scotland we have one comic book store left in my city after COVID and I'm going there in a week to talk to someone who am sure will help.
Thanks for your time