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Recent Comic Book Posts (Last 10)

by bodega
Association: Skrull

by kav
Association:  Skrull-lookin dude

by barry
Association: alter ego

by kav
Association: Clark Kent  (3rd comic book I ever bought)

by bodega
Association: Last Request

by kav
Association:  confession.

by kav
ruben Avatar

This is just the tip of the iceberg
Thats what she said.
by barry
ruben Avatar
Wow! You're correct kav
Let me put in a plug for comiconlinefree.com
I moved from my tablet to my laptop and that's a better experience

This is just the tip of the iceberg

Check this out.

by ruben
Wow! You're correct kav
Let me put in a plug for comiconlinefree.com
I moved from my tablet to my laptop and that's a better experience

This is just the tip of the iceberg
by barry
Association: human sacrifice

CGC Cases Cause Severe Damage to Your Comic Book (Never Trust the Grade!!!)

To scroll through the Imgur images, hover over the image and then click on the left or right arrows.

To see more examples, click HERE.

CGC Case Damage Examples

Recent Journal Posts (Last 10)

by mrwoogieman
by kav
by mrwoogieman
My Journal of Weirdness went over 30,000 lifetime views. That's like 1.75 views per day!

by mrwoogieman
by mrwoogieman
Got the Bat Signal from the Junk Shop last weekend!

He found a guy with an attic full of long boxes, letting go slowly.  Looks like a turn of the century type collection. This batch was about 7 longs by the time I got there. Nice stuff in that it was ordered and bagged and boarded. Run collectors salivate for these kind of finds. I ended up buying about half a long's worth of junque - no newsies unfortunately, but I did get about 50-60 Verotik issues for a buck apiece. These will be easy flips on eBay, and I'm a longtime Glenn Danzig fan from back in the 90s (his music not his comic line). Plus assorted other stuff, heavy on the indies. Some horror, some Mignola, etc.

by kav
by mrwoogieman
I missed Mike Carbo's pop up sale at his house in Forest Hills last weekend. It'll be another week before any picking for me.


by kav
by Ditch Fahrenheit
kav Avatar
ps that image I posted above will disappear in a couple days-all images pulled from Facebook disappear any idea why?

It's because most websites will eventually shuffle things around and then the links can get lost and your image disappears.

If you want your posted images to be permanent (or close to it), use Imgur.com. And despite what some people say, you don't need to register to use them. I've been using them for years and have never registered with them.

The Easiest Way to Post an Image on TCBF.
by kav
The Infinity Sock